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Understanding The Stop, Start and Continue Feedback Framework +10 Examples

People Management

Understanding The Stop, Start and Continue Feedback Framework +10 Examples

This feedback framework helps teams continue positive actions and implement helpful new behaviours.
Published on
October 17, 2024

Feedback is an indispensable part of achieving high performance in the workplace. Research has consistently demonstrated the positive impact of feedback on employee engagement, productivity, and overall company growth. A study revealed that 75% of employees believe feedback is valuable for their overall work process and productivity, while companies that implement frequent feedback sessions experience 14.9% lower turnover rates. Additionally, a Gallup poll found that 92% of people believe that constructive feedback is significantly helpful for improving performance.

The effectiveness of feedback hinges on its structure and delivery. The Stop, Start, and Continue Feedback Framework offers a proven approach to providing practical feedback and constructive critique to teams or individuals. This framework, grounded in the principles of positive reinforcement and behavioral change, focuses on identifying and addressing specific actions or behaviors that contribute to or hinder performance.

What is the Stop, Start, and Continue Framework?

The Stop, Start and Continue Feedback Framework is a method used to provide practical feedback and constructive critique to teams or individuals. It involves recognizing and giving feedback on specific actions or behaviors to enhance productivity or achieve goals.

This feedback framework comprises three parts:

Stop: These are behaviours or actions by the team or an individual that hurt team performance and should stop as soon as possible.

Start: These are behaviours or actions the team or individual should start doing or implementing to increase performance and achieve goals more effectively.

Continue: These are behaviours or actions the team or individual is already excelling at and should continue doing.

The framework's simplicity and focus on actionable behaviors make it a versatile tool for various feedback scenarios, including one-on-one meetings, team evaluations, and self-reflection exercises.

Beam's Free Feedback Framework Template

To help you get started with Start, Stop and Continue feedback framework, Beam has a free template:

Download your feedback framework template here

How to use the Start, Stop and Continue Feedback Framework in a workplace

By dividing feedback process into actionable categories, this framework assists teams and individuals in recognizing which practices need alteration, confirming those that are effective and should be continued, and identifying fresh strategies for adoption. The following is a detailed guide to deploying this simple but effective method:

1. Set specific goals for the feedback session

Laying a solid foundation for a productive feedback session requires establishing clear objectives. Before embarking on the feedback process, identify the specific goals you aim to achieve. Are you seeking to enhance team dynamics, create a value-driven workforce, address individual performance gaps, or introduce new processes? Clearly defined objectives will guide the feedback discussion and ensure that the session remains focused and productive.

2. Create a start, stop and continue feedback template

A template provides a structure for the team or individual to follow during and after the feedback session. You can use an existing template or create one tailored to your team or organization. It would be helpful to include the three categories - stop, start and continue as headings, where team members can input their ideas and contributions underneath.

3. Discuss the insights and ideas with the team

First, you should fill the template with all the actions the team or individual needs to start, stop or continue. Then, after every member or individual completes the feedback template, it's helpful to have an open discussion about the major ideas. Treat it like a brainstorming session for increasing productivity.

4. Follow up on the feedback

After giving and receiving feedback, there must be a follow-up. Some actions may be easy to stop; others may be hard to start. To help this, the team member or individual can create a detailed plan with timelines, actions, objectives and key results. As a manager or team lead, you can turn the feedback template into a tracker, updating it as you notice implemented changes.

Download Feedback Framework Template

10 Examples of Stop, Start and Continue Feedback Framework In Action

To illustrate the dynamic nature of this framework, here are ten practical examples that bring this concept to life in a workplace setting:

Example One:

Start: Begin regular check-ins with team members via email about their progress on current and running projects.

Stop: Stop sending work messages after hours because it disrupts the team's work-life balance.

Continue: Continue effectively communicating task deadlines with team members.

Example Two:

Start: Start using more research-backed data in your presentations and proposals.

Stop: Stop using excessively technical language when presenting to the general team.

Continue: Continue using the organized chronological presentation format during meetings.

Example Three:

Start: Start providing weekly updates on your progress with the new software integration

Stop: Consult them first before deciding what the dev team needs.

Continue: Continue the prompt troubleshooting on backend issues.

Example Four:

Start: Start delegating tasks on time and with deadlines attached.

Stop: Stop delegating new tasks without checking to see the progress of previous tasks.

Continue: Continue identifying potential issues before they become major problems.

Example Five:

Start: Start taking the initiative on projects by suggesting new ideas.

Stop: Stop interrupting other team members during brainstorming meetings.

Continue: Continue paying attention to details.

Example Six:

Start: Start being more punctual for meetings.

Start: Stop sending emails after working hours because it disrupts team members' work-life balance.

Continue: Continue being prepared for meetings.

Example Seven:

Start: Start thinking intentionally and critically before making decisions.

Stop: Stop making decisions based on internalized and personal bias.

Continue: Continue offering alternative perspectives to team problems.

Example Eight:

Start: Start being more responsive to constructive criticism.

Stop: Stop being defensive when receiving feedback from team leads and teammates.

Continue: Continue applying changes based on feedback.

Example Nine:

Start: Start being proactive in finding solutions to problems.

Stop: Stop focusing solely on the negatives and pay attention to finding solutions.

Continue: Continue thinking outside the box to find innovative solutions.

Example Ten:

Start: Start collaborating better with your teammates.

Stop: Stop being competitive and focus on working together with your team.

Continue: Continue supporting team members to achieve and complete their tasks.

Integrating with Employee Check-in Templates

Regular check-in meetings provide opportunities for ongoing feedback, performance reviews, and goal setting. They help build trust, improve communication, and ensure that employees are aligned with the company's objectives.

Download Feedback Framework Template

Aligning Stop, Start, and Continue with Check-in Questions

Incorporating the Stop, Start, Continue framework into employee check-in templates can significantly enhance the effectiveness of these meetings. Here's how to align the framework with check-in questions:

1. Stop questions:

   - "What tasks or processes do you find inefficient or unnecessary?"

   - "Are there any obstacles hindering your productivity that we should address?"

2. Start questions:

   - "What new skills or projects would you like to explore?"

   - "Do you have any ideas for improving our team's processes or workflows?"

3. Continue questions:

   - "What aspects of your current role do you find most fulfilling?"

   - "Which of our team's practices have been particularly effective lately?"

4. General framework question:

   - "Reflecting on your recent work, what would you like to stop, start, and continue doing?"

Customising templates for different roles and departments

While the Stop, Start, Continue framework is versatile, customising check-in templates for specific roles and departments can yield more relevant and actionable insights:

1. Leadership roles:

   - Focus on strategic initiatives and team development

   - Include questions about mentoring and succession planning

2. Sales departments:

   - Emphasize customer feedback and sales targets

   - Incorporate questions about market trends and competitive analysis

3. Technical roles:

   - Address technical challenges and skill development

   - Include questions about emerging technologies and innovation opportunities

4. Human Resources:

   - Focus on employee engagement and company culture

   - Include questions about policy effectiveness and talent acquisition

5. Customer service:

   - Emphasize customer satisfaction metrics

   - Include questions about common customer issues and resolution strategies

When customising templates, consider:

- The specific goals and KPIs of each role or department

- The level of experience and seniority of the employee

- Current challenges or priorities within the team or organisation

By integrating the Stop, Start, and Continue framework into employee check-in templates and customizing them for specific roles and departments, organizations can gather valuable insights, foster open communication, and drive continuous improvement across all levels. Automating these check-ins through a reporting tool can further streamline the process, providing organizations with actionable data to inform decision-making and support employee growth.

Download Feedback Framework Template

Empowering Teams through Effective Feedback

The Stop, Start, and Continue Feedback Framework offers a powerful tool for organizations seeking to enhance employee performance, foster a culture of continuous learning, and achieve their strategic goals. You can easily implement this framework with Beam, and streamline feedback collection and analysis, and track progress towards achieving your goals.

Providing specific, actionable feedback in a supportive environment, companies can empower their teams to reach their full potential and drive organizational success. Remember, feedback is not a criticism but an opportunity for growth and improvement. Embrace feedback as a catalyst for positive change and watch your team and organization flourish.


How can the Start, Stop, and Continue feedback framework be adapted for remote teams?

Adapting the Start, Stop, Continue feedback framework for remote teams effectively involves leveraging digital communication tools. Regular video calls can facilitate more personal interactions, while shared document, feedback platforms or 1:1 meeting tools can help document and track feedback. It's crucial to establish clear guidelines and ensure all team members are comfortable with the technology used.

Can the Start, Stop, and Continue feedback framework be integrated with other performance management tools?

Integrating the Start, Stop, and Continue framework with other performance management tools can be done by using it as a complementary method during review cycles. For instance, it can be used alongside SMART goals or OKRs to provide a more holistic view of an employee's performance and development needs.

How does its effectiveness compare to the 360-degree feedback system?

When comparing the effectiveness of the Start, Stop, Continue framework to the 360-degree feedback system, it's worth noting that the former is typically more straightforward and more focused. While 360-degree feedback provides a comprehensive view from various stakeholders, the Start, Stop, Continue method is more actionable and easier to implement for immediate improvements.

Download Feedback Framework Template

Editor's note: This post was originally published in January 2023 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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