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Leveraging Beam's Tools for Insightful OKR and Monthly Business Reviews


Leveraging Beam's Tools for Insightful OKR and Monthly Business Reviews

Discover how Beam's tools can transform your OKR and monthly business reviews for strategic success and data-driven decision-making.
Published on
June 15, 2024

A strategy execution cycle is not complete without reviews. The ability to measure after execution and use the insights gathered to make further improvements differentiates average-performing organisations from top-performers. 

These reviews can take two forms: OKR (Objectives and Key Results) and monthly business reviews. In an OKR review, management or team leads assess the team's or organisation's progress towards their OKRs for the quarter and identify areas for improvement. On the other hand, monthly business reviews involve analysing KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and other critical metrics, such as feedback and employee pulse.

The data needed to track these metrics can become overwhelming as business activities increase. Managers may start using traditional methods, but a robust management system is required to handle the growing complexity. A tool like Beam is specifically designed to amplify the impact of these review processes.

Beam simplifies goal-setting, facilitates transparent communication, and provides actionable insights to inform strategic decisions. By using Beam, teams can streamline their review processes and better understand their progress towards their goals, ultimately driving success.

This article will explore how Beam can transform your review processes, empowering your team to achieve their goals and drive success.

What are OKRs and Monthly Business Reviews? 

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and Monthly Business Reviews are two integral components of a robust performance measurement framework. OKRs provide a clear and structured approach to defining and achieving goals, ensuring everyone in the organisation is working towards the same objectives. They consist of a specific objective and measurable outcomes (key results) demonstrating progress toward achieving that objective. By setting OKRs, organisations can establish a shared understanding of what needs to be accomplished, focus efforts, and track progress. 

On the other hand, Monthly Business Reviews offer a regular forum for teams to assess their progress, discuss challenges, and make data-driven decisions to drive improvement. These reviews are essential in business operations as they facilitate open communication, foster collaboration, and enable teams to adapt and adjust their strategies to stay on track. By combining OKRs and Monthly Business Reviews, organisations can create a continuous cycle of goal-setting, performance measurement, and improvement, driving growth and success.

Beam: Transforming Your Review Processes

Beam is a people management tool designed specifically for managers who want to foster highly engaged teams. It provides powerful tools that enable managers and employees to connect, align goals, and discuss challenges effectively. It also gives managers a comprehensive overview of each employee's progress, including valuable insights into goals, updates, real-time feedback, and past meeting records.

Beam's Goals & OKRs feature allows managers to set and track objectives, ensuring everyone is working towards the same goals. This feature enables teams to define and align their objectives, establish key results, and monitor progress, providing a clear direction and focus. Beam's Updates feature facilitates regular team communication, informing managers about progress, challenges, and successes and fostering open communication and collaboration. The One-on-One Meetings feature enables managers to have regular, structured conversations with team members, discuss goals, progress, and development and provide feedback and coaching. The Real-time Feedback feature allows managers and team members to share feedback and recognition, promoting open communication and growth and encouraging teams to celebrate successes and learn from challenges. Finally, the Reporting feature provides a comprehensive overview of team progress, enabling managers to track performance, identify areas for improvement, make data-driven decisions, and foster accountability and growth.

Leveraging Beam for OKR Reviews

Setting Up OKRs in Beam

Beam provides a convenient way to write your OKRs, monitor progress, and generate end-of-quarter reports. 

  • To set up OKRs in Beam, navigate to the Goals page within the platform and click the "Create" button. 
  • Select "Create Objective" from the dropdown menu and choose "Create from Scratch." This will take you to the "Create Objectives'' page, where you can input the name of your objective and specify its type (company-wide or group-related). You can also select the relevant groups and designate the individual or team responsible for achieving the objective. Additionally, define the start and end dates for the objective's time frame.
  • Next, add Key Results to your objectives. 
  • Key Results can be quantifiable and measured in various ways, including numeric values, percentages, currency amounts, or binary status (complete or not-complete). You can also assign users to different Key Results as needed. Once you've filled in all the necessary details, click the "Publish Objective" button to complete the setup process.

Monitoring and Analysing OKRs

With your OKRs in Beam, you can track progress and generate comprehensive reports at the end of each quarter. This enables you to manage your objectives and make data-driven decisions effectively. Managers can easily monitor their goals by revisiting their established objectives, marked as on track, at risk, or behind schedule. For a more focused view, managers can toggle to see only the objectives that need attention, filter by specific groups, or view the status of objectives (active or finished). Additionally, Beam provides a clear overview of organisational KPIs, empowering managers to assess progress and performance precisely.

Leveraging Beam for Monthly Business Reviews

Preparing for Reviews Using Beam

Before conducting a review meeting, gathering and organising relevant data is essential to facilitate productive discussions. Beam's intuitive interface allows organisations to collect and analyse employee pulse data, KPI metrics, and feedback/praise effortlessly.

Employee Pulse Data

Employee pulse data provides valuable insights into the team's emotional state, enabling managers to understand the prevailing mood and sentiment. This information can be filtered by groups or individual employees, offering a comprehensive understanding of the team's dynamics. For instance, organisations can see if employees feel happy, sad, drained, or indifferent, allowing managers to address concerns and foster a positive work environment.

KPI Data

KPIs are essential for conducting effective monthly business reviews. KPIs are quantifiable measures that allow organisations to evaluate their progress and performance against specific goals and objectives.

The KPI reports, which show the process's daily, weekly, and monthly reports, are available in Beam's reporting section.


Feedback from reviews is valuable when refining OKRs and business strategies. By analysing feedback, you can identify areas for improvement, adjust your OKRs, and develop strategies that better align with your organisation's goals. This feedback loop ensures your goals remain relevant and your strategies stay effective.

Conducting the Review Meeting

During the review meeting, Beam's reporting tools enable managers to present data and insights effectively, facilitating open and constructive discussions. Managers can seamlessly share employee pulse data, KPI metrics, and feedback/praise, providing a comprehensive team performance overview. This data-driven approach enables managers to identify areas of improvement, recognise outstanding achievements, and set goals for future growth. By presenting insights clearly and concisely, managers can foster a culture of transparency and accountability, empowering teams to take ownership of their progress and drive success.

Best Practices for Using Beam's Tools

To truly unlock the potential of Beam's tools, it's essential to incorporate feedback from reviews into your OKR refinement and business strategy development. Doing so can create a continuous improvement cycle, ensuring your goals and strategies remain relevant and practical.


Beam's tools offer a comprehensive solution for enhancing the effectiveness of OKR and monthly business reviews. By integrating these tools, organisations can streamline their goal-setting processes, improve communication and collaboration, and make data-driven decisions that drive success. 

Beam's features, such as Goals & OKRs, Updates, One-on-One Meetings, Real-time Feedback, and Reporting, provide managers and teams with the resources to align their objectives, monitor progress, and quickly adapt strategies. Leveraging Beam for both OKR and monthly business reviews simplifies the management of complex data and fosters a culture of transparency and continuous improvement. By adopting Beam, organisations can ensure that their performance measurement frameworks are maintained and optimised for maximum efficiency and effectiveness, leading to sustained organisational growth and success.

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